The Person of the Therapist and the Therapeutic Relationship

10 seminars that invite you to have a deep reflection on what therapy is about and the role the therapist in the therapeutic relationship.

The Shadow of the Therapist and the Wounded Healer
The Shadow of the Therapist and the Wounded Healer 1024 800 Social Work Practice

We need to be aware of the Shadow of our profession and of our industry. And we need to be aware of our personal Shadow (as best we can) and…

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Images of Therapy: Implications for the Person of the Therapist
Images of Therapy: Implications for the Person of the Therapist 1024 800 Social Work Practice
The Therapeutic Relationship: Reflections
The Therapeutic Relationship: Reflections 1024 800 Social Work Practice
Existential Considerations in Therapeutic Relationship
Existential Considerations in Therapeutic Relationship 1024 800 Social Work Practice
Intersubjectivity 1024 800 Social Work Practice

In this seminar, we consider the notion of thirdness, a corporate reality, an intersubjective entity, and the need to realign into a personal self for the purposes of reverie and…

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Three Fascinating Sub-texts in Analysis
Three Fascinating Sub-texts in Analysis 1024 800 Social Work Practice

As analysis became widely practised, different phenomena related to the human psyche, analytic practice, and therapeutic interactions became observed, noted, and eventually theorised. They tell us more about the therapeutic…

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The Alchemy of the Jungian Vision
The Alchemy of the Jungian Vision 1024 800 Social Work Practice

Dr Carl Jung believed strongly that the therapist could not stand outside their work, but was deeply involved and therefore affected by it. In this seminar, we will explore how…

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Counter-Transference 1024 800 Social Work Practice
Transference 1024 800 Social Work Practice

When we consider the therapeutic relationship and the person of the therapist, the phenomenon of transference must be taken into account. Firstly, scholastically, because it is the first real consideration…

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The Therapeutic Alliance: the Pragmatic Picture
The Therapeutic Alliance: the Pragmatic Picture 1024 800 Social Work Practice

The therapeutic alliance is a very important concept. It presupposes a relationship – something of a conscious contract between the therapist and client, that allows them to “Do the work”.…

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