Systemic Existential Therapy Part 1
Systemic Existential Therapy Part 1 https://socialworkpractice.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SWP-ShapedWithHeaderExistentialPart1.jpg 1024 800 Social Work Practice https://socialworkpractice.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/SWP-ShapedWithHeaderExistentialPart1.jpgSystemic Existential Therapy Part 1
Welcome to a discussion on the influence of systemic therapy in practice. We have broken this topic into two parts in an attempt to allow you adequate space for reflection and thought resolution.
In this seminar (part 1), we will provide some brief historical notes on systems theory and its characteristics and review the key points of Gregory Bateson's thinking and its relationship with systemic theory.
Seminar length: 40 min 30 sec + 8 reflective practice questions